Tuesday 3 March 2015

Journalists vs Social media

Journalists vs Social media

Are journalists still alive?

Traditional media
Traditional media is owned by journalists. They select which stories to run and when it should run. They would not tell you whether they have selected your story or not. The public relations practitioner has to evaluate the story by going through the publication that is suppose to have his/her article.

The need for Journalists 

Journalists are able to make use of their editing techniques  to ensure that the article the public relations practitioner has written suits the publication and its readers. However, what may suit the publication or the readers may not suit the public relations practitioners and the organisation they respresent. Companies get furious if they are not satisfied with the message sent to the public. Therefore, it is advisable to write your article in a way that there is no room for an editor to add or subtract anything. At some point the public relations practitioner has to write an article to suit  the journalists's requirements and not according to the way they want it. Journalists have more power when the articles is on their hands or when there is bad publicity-have a good relationship with journalists and have them on your media list to keep them up-to-date with your company news before they find other resources. Watch the video below to see how an article is edited.

The turn to web 2.0

This web generation has not only changed the way in which we communicate to people around the world but it has also changed the way businesses get their messages  across and how they do business. Through the use of the internet  we are able to make use of search engines and be part of communities on social networks. One is able to find a job on-line by making use of gumtree or careers24. Businesses are now able to post most of the things they could have published on print media on their websites or on any social media channels.

The following are what businesses can post on their websites:

  • Company history
  • Newsletters or electronic magazines
  • Vacant posts
  • Sponsorships
  • Their community development activities
  • Policies
  • Management and employees profile
  • Announcements
  • Media releases
  • Reviews                                                                                                                                          Watch the video below to see how you can create your own website


The world of Social Media

According to Thomas H Bivins in the book "public relations writing" about 56% of the people make use of social networks. The fact that more than half of the public are using social networks, makes it the best platform to get your message across. The middleman that used to stand between public relations practitioners and their public has been cut off and the money used to advertise their products or services has been saved too.

"The internet is not keeping everyone informed because of lack of access,misinformation and disinformation"
-Prof Richard Sambrook

There are certain information that people make up such as some information on encyclopaedia or the Ask( ask and get an answer but the answers are from ordinary internet users or non experts). There are people who still depend on print media because they probably don't have access to the internet or it is much easier to read on print than on your laptop, According to Jakob Nielsen "web readers read 25% slower than print readers".

Do we still need journalists if social media can do more? Leave your comments below.


  1. I think that traditional media I still a need in this modernized world of ours. PRP's work closely with journalists and they help us get the publicity we need. We can't always rely on social media, because at times some of the information won't be credible.

    1. True that. We need both social media and journalists. Some people prefer to read things on a newspaper,some prefer to see videos. So print media is still a need.

  2. Great content,very informative. About two weeks ago on Loyiso Bala show a Bleed news editor said PRP's are just spin doctors and I was shocked because I expected him to know about the profession. Do you think that's why journalist always change the content PRP's give them, because they believe we're just spin doctors?

    1. Well,PRPs know their target public better than a journalist. When journalist edit a PRP's article,the primary message can be lost along the way. Which leaves the PRPs and the company or client they represent furious. A PRP would not say something that may ruin the reputation of any client or company.

  3. Since the growth of social media the need for journalists has reduced however I think they still have a part to play because they are the people who handle interviews giving us in depth information for example during the attack of foreigners in Soweto it was journalists who went there to interview Soweto residence social media posts from the findings of a journalist

    1. I agree with you even if journalists edit our work all the time but they are the people who help us get information.

  4. I feel that we are always going to be needing journalists especially if you work in the PR industry . Older people prefer to still read out of newspapers were the young generation would prefer to read on social media , there will always be a difference in opinions.

    1. As long as print media lives,journalists are still need because people still rely on traditional media

  5. incredible right honestly i just love the fact our generation of Practitioners are exposed to this great advanced technology. gone are those days of chasing after journalist to get publicity we are able to tell our story as it suits us i strongly agree with you lady.

    1. Besides that companies don't spend much to market on social media. All they need is the right channels and they are good to go. For broadcast they can make use of podcast instead

  6. Social media has evidently revolutionised how information is shared and conveyed across the globe. A person in Africa can be clued up on a news event as its taking place in the middle east. We have now all become our own journalists and somewhat formed a "global media press". Print media, despite its relevance to the more older generation , is becoming more and more obsolete. News papers are becoming a thing of the past, just like CDs or DVDs . However, journalists are sanctioned by laws and regulations to provide news that is true and correct, something that social media can never adhere to, as it is exposed to the " broken telephone " concept
